The Junior Infants were very lucky to get a visit from their buddies in 5th Class. The older boys and girls read the Christmas stories they had written about them when they came to visit.
Christmas preparations
Reindeer run
Winter art
Christmas buddy time
meeting our buddies
We are very lucky in Scoil Bhríde to have a special buddy system in place. The boys and girls in 5th Class are paired up with buddies in Junior Infants. We met our buddies this week and they did some space art with us!
Autumn Walk
The boys and girls were very excited to head off on their Autumn walk looing for signs of Autumn. We found conkers, acorns, seeds, berries and lots of different-coloured leaves! We used the leaves to create hedgehogs in Art when we came back to school!
Nursery Rhymes
A big welcome to our new junior infants!!!
The boys and girls in Junior Infants have been learning some nursery rhymes to practise their rhyming skills. So far we know 'Humpty Dumpty', Jack and Jill' and 'Hey Diddle Diddle'. Click below to practise them some more!
Avondhu Newspaper
Junior Infants made their debut on last week's and this week's edition of the Avondhu Newspaper, along with lots of new Junior Infants in local schools!
Goldilocks and the three bears
We have been busy reading and acting out the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears in school. We did some ordering in Maths, some roleplay in Drama, cutting and pasting in Art and even made three different-sized bowls of porridge, three different-sized chairs and three different-sized beds using our Play-doh!
Pattern work
Junior Infants have been working on making and extending patterns. Take a look at how they got on.